When The Heart Can't Express

Realizing That You Don't Need Certain People , There's a point in life when you get tired of chasing everyone and trying to fix everything, but it's not giving up, it's realizing that you don't need certain people and their crap.

There are always going to be certain people within our lives that will slow us down from our forward progression if we choose to allow them to do so. Instead of trying to fix everything the way that they want it to be in life, that they have to work with life the way that it is, and even work with variables that they would rather not work with.

It is not about giving up on people, but it is more about being able to tell the difference between giving up and moving on, and stopping others from preventing their own lives to blossom. As the quote states there is a point in many people's lives that they must realize that instead of chasing the ones who ignore them, that they must love the ones who love them completely. Not everything in life is for you, and not every situation is for you to fix, sometimes you must let things be, move on, and learn how to let go.


Ask Him To Heal Your Heart

Sometimes it is hard to go on with life because it all seems so blurry and so meaningless. It hurts to not enjoy what you loved the most, to always feel so empty inside, to forever be lonely even though you're surrounded by many who love you. Oh, how you wish people actually saw what was inside of you, how you wish they could read your mind and comfort your aching heart, but you feel all alone in this strange state of painful emotions and heartache. It feels as though there is an actual void in your heart--one you never knew existed.

The worst thing about this is that you cannot ever remember the last time you ever had a genuine smile and felt happy. Most often you break down in tears yet you don't know or understand why your tears flow uncontrollably.

This pain you're going through is so unbearable yet you choose to go through it alone because you do not wish to worry those you love. So, you struggle to fake your smile, to fake your laughter and to fake who you used to be. Often you seclude yourself so the need to "fake" anything does not rise---however, you really want this out of your system and would love someone to talk to, someone to lend you a shoulder to really cry on, someone to give you a comforting hug and tell you its going to be alright.

The reality is though, people look at you but they never see the pain you hide inside. You ask "Am I really good at faking or do people just ignore me? or Is there anyone who could ever see through my eyes and see the scars in my heart?"

The answer is YES....there is someone who sees your every pain, hears your silent cries, and works very hard to heal your heart. Its no other but the one who created you from dust and the one you shall return to. Allaah ta'ala is closer to you than anyone and He can help you through anything. You just have to completely trust His divine help and give your heart to him.

I know its hard to do that part because of feeling empty within, but know that help is only with Allaah, so if it hurts too much, be close to Him, talk to Him through your prayers and let His divine words heal you. Also know that you're not alone in this state of depression and loneliness. Dont be afraid to talk to someone you trust , even if it means that person sees your weakness through the tears! Don't ever be scared of putting your feeling out there because concealing your pain only makes it worse

If all fails, keep a journal and write away all that pain , trust me you're going to lose so many tears and will not be able to finish a page, but by the time you're done, you're going to feel a lot better insha'Allah and always make dua to Allaah and ask Him to heal your heart!


It is not about where you begin but where you END

There’s no person in the Dunya who is capable of handling every punch that is thrown at them. We aren’t made that way. In fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble & fall. We aren’t supposed to be able to instantly overcome problems. Because that’s the whole purpose of living – to face problems, learn, adapt, & solve them over the course of time. This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become.

The hereafter is your destination and serves as a reminder that you should live in this world with right actions and speech. You should enjoy this life, but you should never forget your ultimate destination. Accept the fact that this life is short and you don't know when its goign to end. Start living for Allah by worshiping him and doing good deeds. I promise, you will enjoy this life with a sense of purpose, and you will seek the hereafter with right actions and speech In Sha Allah!


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