Rest Yourself From Taking Care Of Your World

Rest yourself from taking care of your world, what has been accomplished by others for you, you do not need to take care of it for yourself.

"How could the liver can emit light, while in it painted a picture of the world. Or how could the heart can go to God when he was still bound by lust (desire). How the soul will have a strong desire to enter the presence of God, but their heart is not pure from negligence. Or how can hope to understand the subtle secrets, but he has not repented to make amends"


Hell Punishment And Chastisement

Hell is a place that is believed by adherents of some religion or cult and as a place of eternal suffering after death. Hell means a fire, the place of torment and the reward of those who believe not in Allah and sin in his life in the world. In order to grow into the soul of feeling afraid of hell, it becomes important that we all understand the true nature of hell, because no one could express the enormity of the suffering in hell, as no one can express the enjoyment of heaven.

Punishment and chastisement of God in the afterlife is something very powerful and can not be imagined at all. how dasyatnya torments of hell is a comparison of the heat of the fire with a fire in the hereafter, As a place covered by the misery, surely every person who entered into the hell would not feel at home so they want out of it, but it is not possible if without the permission of Allah Almighty, therefore Hell is guarded by the angels who are rude, harsh, cruel and always obey the command of Allah so that even in such a cruel abusive residents, will continue to do so again on the orders of Allah and there was no feeling sorry for the man who was torturing.

Therefore when men go to hell, there is a feeling of not going into it because it was very unpleasant place, therefore angels pushing them with a vengeance so that no human inhabitants of hell will be able to escape from custody angel.

This is revealed by Allah The Almighty in Quran: O ye who believe, guard yourselves and your families from hellfire that its fuel is men and stones; guard by angels who are rude, loud, and do not disobey Allah against what he commanded to them and always do what was ordered. (Surah At-Tahrim [66]: 6).


Light In Darkness

In each outer darkness though, will always have one point of light that will guide us to the road that we believe in provided  and devoted to Allaah Almighty god who created us,

A man trapped in the darkness was still no hope to see the flash of bright light, a sin-stained and still have a chance to get guidance, and returned to the right path

Always remember the greatness of His ... insha allah one point of light that will bring us to the path of righteousness ... there is still a chance to repent to Allah, May Allah forgive the mistakes & sins of our past


The Shadow Of The Sun

Did you not pay attention to the creation of your Lord, how He lengthen and shorten the shadows and if He will, He made the shadow remains, then We made the sun as a guide for the shadow, then we draw the shadows to us with pull slowly.


Being with Him

We often tell the necessity of faith, which most people judge others on the right or wrong only in their faith. When choosing a leader, some voters will not vote for a candidate unless they believe that person is someone with the same faith. When problems arise, people lose their confidence, and began to question the truth of faith and one by one began blaming on faith.

When God seems to place, He's certainly a lot in us.
We find him at the time the core of the nucleus, Out of space and time,

Where darkness and cold can not be Investigating the past
We find ourselves in the winter of our misfortune.

Pure Consciousness is God In all cases,
But only humans consciously His presence,

Really there is no way to explain why, This is not aware of frozen clay
Can lead to an enlightened consciousness.

We sometimes sharp rocks, Having awareness of stone,
That is so out of shape, yet complete and Sometimes empty,
His waiting flooding in early spring To wash our sinful,
Waiting for the light, That accelerates without mass

In a non-existing space and time
To relieve our inner soul of nature


Islamic Friendship Quotes

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend

A good friend is a friend who will always be there for us no matter what the circumstances. No matter whether we are in times of distress or if at the best, for sure that they will be there, a true friend will be right by your side, or there as soon as you called and indicated that they would always be there for us, no matter how hard or how difficult the road ahead of them.

Given what is truly important in life is the key to move along in life as we need. Although many of us find our work is important, remember that at certain times we need the help of a job (because it is impossible to do everything alone). Without good friends, almost impossible to conquer life, so make sure that we have good friends and treat all your friends with respect and dignity as possible.

"We do not always see them but you know they're always there"


islamic quotes and sayings

There were six cases, if owned by someone then it has completed the faith :

(1) Fight the enemies of Allah with the sword,
(2) Remained perfect in the summer despite fasting,
(3) Still perfecting ablution even in winter,
(4) Still rushed to the mosque (to perform prayers in congregation), although at the time overcast,
(5) To leave the debate and arguing even though he knew that he was on the right side and
(6) Be patient when calamity struck.
(Yahya bin Muadh)

The most noble character is greeted those who break the friendship, giving to the stingy against you, and forgive those who violate you. " (Narated by Ibn Majah)


Miracles Of Allah

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

This is a document which I have compiled with photographic evidences of the Natural Miracles of Allah, He sends down his signs to the believers to strengthen their faith, and sends down the miracles.

Allah is the Only True God Worth of Worship, The Administrator, Superior, Lord, Ruler and Master of All that Exists.


About Islam

What Is Islam

Islam is submission and obedience to the commandments of God and His apostles in order for the safety of themselves , others and all of nature. regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background. Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process that requires no pre-requisites. One may convert alone in privacy, or he/she may do so in the presence of others. being a muslim means one who submits to the will of God, for anyone has a real desire to be a Muslim and has full conviction and strong belief that Islam is the true religion of God.

Why Islam

Upon entering the fold of Islam purely for the Pleasure of God, all of one’s previous sins are forgiven, and one starts a new life of piety and righteousness. The Prophet said to a person who had placed the condition upon the Prophet in accepting Islam that God would forgive his sins:

“Do you not know that accepting Islam destroys all sins which come before it?” (Saheeh Muslim)

When one accepts Islam, they in essence repent from the ways and beliefs of their previous life. One need not be overburdened by sins committed before their acceptance. The person’s record is clean, and it is as if he was just born from his mother’s womb. One should try as much as possible to keep his records clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible.

In another saying, Muhammad, the Prophet of God, said:

“Whoever testifies that there in none worthy of being worshipped but God, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and Prophet, and that Jesus is the Slave of God, His Prophet, and His word[1] which He bestowed in Mary and a spirit created from Him; and that Paradise (Heaven) is true, and that the Hellfire is true, God will eventually admit him into Paradise, according to his deeds.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

How To Convert To Islam

To convert to Islam and become a Muslim a person needs to pronounce the below testimony with conviction and understanding its meaning:

I testify “La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasool Allah.” The translation of which is :

“I testify that there is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and that Muhammad is a Messenger (Prophet) of God.”

This conveys that all forms of worship, whether it be praying, fasting, invoking, seeking refuge in, and offering an animal as sacrifice, must be directed to God and to God alone. Directing any form of worship to other than God (whether it be an angel, a messenger, Jesus, Muhammad, a saint, an idol, the sun, the moon, a tree) is seen as a contradiction to the fundamental message of Islam, and it is an unforgivable sin unless it is repented from before one dies. All forms of worship must be directed to God only.

Worship means the performance of deeds and sayings that please God, things which He commanded or encouraged to be performed, either by direct textual proof or by analogy. Thus, worship is not restricted to the implementation of the five pillars of Islam, but also includes every aspect of life. Providing food for one’s family, and saying something pleasant to cheer a person up are also considered acts of worship, if such is done with the intention of pleasing God. This means that, to be accepted, all acts of worship must be carried out sincerely for the Sake of God alone.

The second part of the testimony means that Prophet Muhammad is the servant and chosen messenger of God. This implies that one obeys and follows the commands of the Prophet. One must believe in what he has said, practice his teachings and avoid what he has forbidden. One must therefore worship God only according to his teaching alone, for all the teachings of the Prophet were in fact revelations and inspirations conveyed to him by God. All who claim to be prophets or receive revelation after Muhammad are imposters, and to acknowledge them would be tantamount to disbelief. 


ALLAH Our Lord Protect Us

O Allah, Protect Us from Ourselves

I see thy doom is full of justice
I see thy grace filled with love
Indeed we humans reject and Full of Sin
That is unable and helpless

You are mandated to us to keep them
We're even doing injustice
You mandated us to do good
We even do each other down injustice and

Oh... Allooh Our Lord, Thou our laws if we forget or guilty. Oh... Allooh Our Lord, do not impose on us a heavy burden as You impose on the people before us. Oh... Allooh Our Lord, do not put on the shoulders of us what we could not bear. Give pardon, forgive, and your mercy to us. Thou art our Helper, so help us against the disbelievers.

Oh...  Allooh Our Lord, give Forgive us and our brothers who have been faithful ahead of us, and Thou in our hearts any rancor towards those who believe Our ​​Lord, Thou art the Most Merciful, Most Forbearing.

Oh...  Allooh Our Lord, forgive us our sins, blot out from us our faults, give us grace and mercy Thou art the Giver of the Most Good. Our Lord Perfect our light for us and forgive us, and guard us from the torment of hell.


God Will Be Held Accountable

We live and live our lives today are in order to write a diary (record book). We laughed, we cried, we smiled, we stumble, we stand, we fall, and we succeeded. Do good, evil, and so on in each chapter defines who we are and what we do with the fact, that would record book (diary) will be shown back to us to be held accountable. as the word of God in the Quran

"To Allah belongs the kingdom of heaven and earth. And on the day of resurrection, will be unfortunate in that day those who did evil, And on the day that you see every nation kneeling Every nation called to see the record. At that day ye requited for what you did "Al Jaatsiyah: 27-28

When we are in our journey toward happiness of the world and hereafter, one thing we have to live that we have to learn fast and that we should be willing to take risks. In order to live our lives must be willing to forget the failures who might be having, and try to work toward a goal that has been given to us by the Creator through His messengers. We must be willing to risk the unusual, to get away from the usual result of doing some things in life.

If we think long and hard about it, our lives are very similar to a scene of the story (drama) or a movie where we have supplied manual (text story) that we must run. As each page progresses, so does the time, and as the pages of each place we are living through different emotions, actions, and situations. When we pass every day in our life, we rise and we fall, we smiled, we laughed, we cried, we fail, we win, we falter, we listen, we talk, we understand, and we look for wisdom, worship, please help, etc..

There are two major plot lines in a script that has been given to us through His Apostles, namely roads and streets devotion wickedness. What would you say a book about your life as a whole in the end is depends on how we live it in the world during this.

Humans are special species in all of existence, sharing special qualities and attributes different and superior to that of other species; making humans the managers of lower species of existence. The above distinction of humans from other forms of existence should naturally instill in all humans a sense of dignity.

In order to present the best notebook in life we should try to build our character as much as possible and as good as possible, and we must remember that we are here to do great things, we are here to change the generation of properly, or to inspire the soul that will change at least for ourselves and family.


Always Read The Holy Quran

Those who always read the book of Allah (Holy Quran , Bible, Torah, the Psalms) and establish prayer and spend out a party of sustenance which We have bestowed upon them secretly and openly, they were expecting commerce that have nothing to lose, that God will reward them refine them and add to the them from His bounty. Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (reward of deeds of his servant, forgive his mistakes, adding His blessings)

And what We have revealed to you the Holy Book is the truth, by confirming the previous scriptures. Verily Allah is ever Knower, Seer of (state) of His servants.

The book then we pass on to the people who we choose among the servants of us, and among them there is mistreat themselves and between them there is a mid-and among them there are also are doing good with the prior permission God. That is the great favor.

For them heaven 'Eternity they entered into it, they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and with pearls, and their garments therein is silk.

And they say: "Praise be to Allah who has removed the sorrow from us. Verily our Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate.

That puts us in an eternal place heaven of His Bounty: in it we not feel tired and not feeling too lethargic.


Tahajjud Prayer

How to perform Tahajjud prayer

Tahajjud is derived from the Arabic root “hajada” meaning: he who was wakeful in the night. Thajjud prayer, also known as Salatul-Layl,was an obligatory prayer for our Prophet (saw) to offer anytime after Isha Prayer. For the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (saw) this particular prayer holds the most merit from all the optional prayers that one can perform.

وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَكَ عَسَى أَنْ يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا

وَقُلْ رَبِّ أَدْخِلْنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَأَخْرِجْنِي مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَاجْعَلْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ سُلْطَانًا نَصِيرًا

وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا

"And on some nights you pray tahajudlah as an additional service for you; hopefully, your God will raise you to a place that commendable. And say: "My God, put me in the correct entry and remove it (also) I'm a right out and give me authority from Thee a help. And say: 'Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. "Truly a vanity that is something that must vanish" Al Israa' : 79 - 81

Time & Performance of Tahajjud :

“The closest that a slave comes to his Lord is during the middle of the latter portion of the night. If you can be among those who remember Allah the Exalted One at that time, then do so.” (At-Tirmidhi)

Our mureeds should observe their tahajjud prayer anytime between: 12:30 am and one hour before Sehri ends.

Although Tahajjud Prayer can be anywhere between 2-8 rakaats, mureeds are asked to perform atleast 4. The tahajjud should be observed such that in each rakaat you recite Surah Fatiha once & Surah Ikhlas three times. It is highly recommended that one wakes up one's own partner for this prayer also. Abu Hurairah quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:

“May Allah bless the man who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up his wife and who, if she refuses to get up, sprinkles water on her face. And may Allah bless the woman who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up her husband and who, if he refuses, sprinkles water on his face.” (Ahmad)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said :

“If a man wakes his wife and prays during the night or they pray two rak`ahs together, they will be recorded among those (men and women) who (constantly) make remembrance of Allah.” (Abu Dawud.)


The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.)

Ya Nabi salam alaika,Ya Rasul sallam alaika,
Yaa Habib salam alaika, Solawatullah alaika.

Asyroqol badru alainaa, fakhtafat minhul buduru.
Mitsla husnik maa ro ainaa. Qoththu yaa wajhas suruuri.

Anta syamsun anta badrun, Anta nuurun fauqo nuuri
Anta iksiiruw wa ghoolii , Anta mishbaahush shuduuri.

Yaa habiibi Ya Muhammad. Yaa Aruusal khofi qoini.
Ya Muayyad ya mumajjad. Ya imaamal qiblataini.


Tauhid Road To Justice And Prosperity

During in man heart where still flooding with selfishness and greed of countless , thousands of lives would be flooded with water flowing uncontrollably from every place, volcano continues to erupt with malignancy , Earth continues to sputter vibrate and move around the roots of humanity , Wind will continue to destroy what is around them , Sea water will continue to lurk and get ready for attacking from all directions beyond its limits and rumbles that human life occupied with sadness.

As long as human hearts are wrapped in anger vanished, provided humanity with sin that ignore and disrespect the rule base and the creator, as long as water is still warmth and love that already polluted re-purity, humility, sacrifice and patience will forgive or forget the nature of the sins of our humanity .

Justice tread on the road, spreading the truth, have feelings Oneness; to release hostility from our hearts forever, to breathe with a selfless, to lead our lives just as an instrument of service to the needy, to have mutual respect for differences, to recognize and use to reflect on life and his own mistakes.

It is time to act on a natural reaction, before the whole world is consumed by the fury of nature, get up, wake up and come forward only to lead a meaningful life is precious and worthy. Be a man with a heart steadfast and powerful; love and gratitude to the Creator, gracefully by always include His name in the minds and hearts with pure devotion, tried and pray every day for the whole world in welcoming the Peace and Love unconditionally.

Nature will not be silent until humans learn and realize and accept and correct the error, until humanity steps to the ladder of spiritual awareness, until people began to yearn to quench the thirst and hunger for God only, until people realize that wealth is not an end, nature will not stop, until the end human humanity rooted slashes of ego, hatred, and jealousy and envy.

Nature did not stop the pain intensified form of destruction; until people realize and re-exposes the nature of humanity to change for the better. If people do not change, nature does not care even to change the shape of Earth itself in order to change attitudes and life of humanity and return to the truth.


Surah Al Waqiah

Surah Al-Waqi'ah ( الواقعه, ) adalah surah ke-56 dalam Al-Qur'an , sering disebut sebagai surat pembuka rejeki selain itu barang siapa yang membacanya , memikirkan,  memahaminya serta melaksanakan, InsyaAllah terhindar dari api neraka.

Selamat Membaca, dan semoga bermanfaat.


Ask For Allah Guidance

Here’s a list of Islamic sayings and teachings, some of which are directly teachings of the Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, and some are asserted from his honorable teachings. for those who listen to the good and beneficial words, and follow them.

Bismillah, Praise be to Allah the creator of all the creations, who is eternal and exists without a place, we ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad and his kind All and companions :

“Obey do as Allah wish and Allah will reward you , Keep away from prohibited things and you will be among the best of worshippers also Fear the prayer of the oppressed.”

IF words come out of the heart, they will enter the heart, but if they come from the tongue, they will not pass beyond the ears. and A donkey with a load of holy books is still a donkey , until doing four of the following :

Whatever you have in your mind - forget it;
Whatever you have in your hand - give it;
Whatever is to be your fate - face it!

Pray for what you want, but work for the things you need. and always ask for Allah Guidance


Reviving Islamic Spirit

Reviving the spirit "They really see it far away but we see it so close.'

One important principle in the teachings of Islam is belief in the presence of a perfect figure who is able to meet the world with justice and righteousness in the end times. Islam teaches followers that God will surely win their religion above all religion. Moreover, Islam teaches that the end of the world, man will live with peace and happiness. With this belief, to some extent, able to grow a glimmer of hope in the hearts of the Muslims. The oppressed of this earth, will always survive and await the appointed time came, the only armed with this belief. With this belief, too, Muslims should be able to avoid servility in the face of tyrants. Because of this belief should be taught that the ruling is a soft-hearted Muslims is not a cheeky tyrants and the iron. With this belief, Muslims should be more active in keeping the Islam of undermining the enemy whom no stalking ever slept in Islam. Because of this belief teaches that, 'the awaited' will only be in power if Muslims are ready to receive. In that sense, Muslims must prepare for the anticipated arrival time, because the nature of the work rather than lap waiting hands. And one of the most stressed in the 'mahdawiyyah' This is justice would spread worldwide. This means that there is no place anymore for the destroyers and bullies. This is the value of humanity which was so thick in this belief. Humans should definitely wait time. And Islam has been promised. So lucky ornag who believe wholeheartedly this conviction.

But unfortunately , this concept is increasingly dispersed from the minds of Muslims. Many Muslims are lulled into a beautiful dream the enemies of Islam. With the ideological trap, the enemies of Islam managed to make Muslims forget this sublime belief. Amid the proliferation of man-made super hero, Muslims can not afford to maintain these ancient beliefs. Until finally, this belief is increasingly blurred and even lost from memory Muslims. When you ask a child, 'what if you're became a friends of Superman?' of course he'd say, 'wow. Surely it would be really cool! ' but you try to ask him, 'how about the Imam Mahdi to be friends?' 'Imam Mahdi, who is he? Is he as good as superman? ' yes, that word will get out of his mouth. Now we leave a small child, we turn to adults. Perhaps, adults do not believe in 'Superman', but there is no guarantee that he knew the priest Mahdi. Yet when asked whether he misses the peace that spread across the world, of course he will say 'yes'. Should we shout at the old man that kerinduanmu it will be implemented by the imam Mahdi!?

This phenomenon is taking place in Muslim society. Muslims are now very discouraged imam Mahdi. Although they bloom in the hearts glimmer of hope for a better world, they still could not convince themselves that there is an imam (leader) who is ready to realize their lofty expectations. They do not want to keep it up. Muslims are currently running away from their own beliefs. Though they yearn for justice,  Muslims do not shy and will always told the world that 'Imam Mahdi would come' even The effect of this phenomenon is unclear. 

Today so many Muslims who followed God's enemies. Thousands and even millions of Muslims only become porters of a demons law and orders, if you're asked why..? Because Muslims are now forgotten figure was fired up. Because now the Muslims away from the middle of 'the highly anticipated'. Because Muslims are now in the middle of lost at their own identity. In fact, they were not belief in Imam Mahdi are sturdy fortress that is able to maintain the dignity of Muslims. In fact, if you think about it, the belief in Imam Mahdi had existed long before Islam was born. Of course with different names. Strangely, now Muslims are no longer willing to put hope in his own teachings. As if we forget, God's promise is sure.

Therefore, it is time we turn it on again the spirit of anticipation. It is time we awaken more faith in the Messiah. Show the world that Muslims are a people strong because our leaders are the 'fair queen' that will blow the winds of peace in the entire hemisphere. East and west. Sea and land. let's pray together for the coming of Mahdi in our every step. Fill our minds with excitement. Embed our love for them. Do not be fooled again blandishments enemy. Work on his behalf. Live in glory, and die as soldiers.


Real Sufism In Islam Is Khidr

To enter the way of Sufism, the seeker usually begins by finding a teacher. It is the transmission of the divine light from the teacher's heart to the heart of the student, rather than of worldly knowledge transmitted from mouth to ear, that allows the adept to progress. In addition, the genuine teacher will be utterly strict in his adherence to the Divine Law.

Scholars and adherents of Sufism are unanimous in agreeing that Sufism cannot be learned through books that dubious , To reach the highest levels of success in Sufism typically requires for many many years and continues. When he believed this mission to be concluded, next job is directed him to care for others people even or animals, curing their sicknesses, cleaning their wounds, and assisting them in finding provision.

Especially when addressing more general audiences, or mixed groups of peoples, make extensive use of parable and or metaphor. Although approaches to teaching vary among different Sufi orders, Sufism as a whole is primarily concerned with direct personal experience, and as such has sometimes been compared to non-Islamic forms of mysticism.

Misconceptions in Islam about Sufism could arise due to not been able to understand / because of a misunderstanding what was delivered. Sufism clerics sometimes use language or imagery that is not easily understood by a layman.

So that people who receive about Sufism because he does not understand or because he got the knowledge from those who are not familiar with the teachings of Sufism, the bandwagon pass on to others without actual knowledge, so they make fun of Sufism and claim it as misguided and misleading alira, lack this caution will have a humiliating punishment.

Whereas true Sufism is part of Islam itself and has been exemplified in the story of Khidr (servant of Allaah) and Prophet Moses and the apostles Allaah. However, since the advent of Islamic folk literature, Khidr has become an integral part of Islamic folklore as well as Sufi literature. Looking at it with a critical modern perspective, Islamic history revolves around a great many legends and historical events that cannot be proven by modern science. 

Nevertheless, the great dynamics of Islamic history, in the view of major Muslim historians, has been the Islamic rev­elation and its historical interpretation. The goal of existence in Islam is a prophetic existence. Although prophets are not sinless, they represent the perfect human model, and embody the ultimate human quality in God’s eyes. Because of their unique role as the standard bearers of the divine-human and human-divine relationship, prophets become the special focus of human history.

Allooh Know The Best


Go away and found your own way

The nice thing about be united as a teamwork is that you always have others on your side. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

We (people) have learned to fly in the air like birds (plane , baloon , etc) and swim the sea like fish (snorkeling), but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.

Man's hearts ought not to be set against one another, but set with one another, and all against evil only. So please if you do not have the same vision and mission to work together and to help others just go away and found your own way , I am tired looking for people which can only disturb without participating.

"To us Our deeds, and to You Your deeds. peace be to you. we seek not the ignorant." 28 :55


Sufism The Servant Of Allaah (Khidr)

Tasawwuf is the traditional Islamic science of self-improvement and spirituality (sufism), focussing on one's relationship with Allah. Tasawwuf is a branch of Islamic knowledge which focuses on the spiritual development of the Muslim. For most people Sufism is the road taken by some to be the servant of Allaah, as narrated in the story of Al Quran just look like Khidr.

One could read the Muslim Hadiths and conclude that Islam is primarily legalism that Sufiism is a large number of inter-related sects of Islam that is a reaction against this focus on rituals and practices. Orthodox Islam says little about the heart and desiring God; Sufiism says that true religion is inner truth, not outer practice. while others, says both the internal and external matter. issues of this case we can refer to al quran in the story of Khidr and Moses stunning Khidr where he performed many works of wrongdoing but nevertheless does not mean that what is done by Khidr is wrong because what is done by Khidr is on the order Allooh.
Life is full of mystery and there is a secret that we do not have enough knowledge about it. only God and His Servant Who Will be Able to explained about it.

Remember, the Sufi way is one that is accepting (not just tolerant) of all other religions, and some orders welcome non-Muslims while encouraging continued participation in one’s own faith. For others, the extraordinary discipline and focus of Islamic life may be an essential component of a new spiritual path.

Yet, to be a sufism is to choose your own commitment. Your encounter with Sufism may be no more than reading the works of Sufi Saints and the study of Sufi Philosophy to serve as simple spiritual inspiration. Whatever your circumstances, I encourage you to embrace your faith to find strength and direction in your own life. I introduce you to Sufism as a potential source of sustenance and direction along the way.

For anyone interested in mysticism, the study of Sufism is an area of riches. Mysticism in many ways provides a bridge between individual religions by exploring the experiences of personal spirituality. A good first encounter with Sufism would be through reading the quran by thinking and understanding of every verse . Certainly anyone with spiritual interests of any religion will find rewards in an exploration and further understanding of Sufism.


Sufism Isn't A Cornerstone Of Mysticism

Sufism began as religious teachers in the Middle East came to learn the Truth of Islam directly . The most essential mystical knowledge was then passed down from each master to a disciple selected to follow as the leader of the school. Other disciples were sent out as masters to establish new schools. There is no firm historical source for Sufism. Many of the early orders were considered an integrated part of Islam, but as teachings were codified and the elements of Shi’a and Sunni Islam became more distinct, Sufism emerged with an identity. 

A cornerstone of mysticism is that true knowledge of God is achieved directly and not through an intermediary like a prophet, saint or priest. Over the centuries this has led to a great deal of political conflict between mystics and non-mystics. The individual is not in a position to disagree as long as there is no direct relationship between God and the individual. Many Sufi orders encourage honoring Saints and Prophets by visiting them if the are alive or their tombs if they have passed on. Pilgrims often will go to ask for favors in the form of miracles or prosperity. In many communities the pilgrims are people from other religions who come to the tombs in hopes of finding favor or receiving miracles.

One of the basic ideas of Sufism is to minimize the self or individual identity. Belonging to a particular group with a unique name is contradictory to this effort. It is said, “a Sufi is one who is not,” and with a philosophy that seeks the destruction of self-identity it is thought that Sufi’s received their name from outsiders. Initially the term Sufi referred only to those who had achieved God realization, but it has since come to be applied to anyone who follows that particular spiritual path. The high status afforded saints in communities influenced by Sufism implies an alternative means to communicate with God other than through the Imam, the Islamic clerics. In a fundamentalist Islamic community the highest-ranking Imam is the supreme authority, both politically and religiously, and Sufism presents a potential conflict to this authority that has over the centuries led to persecution of Sufis in several Arab countries. In some areas teachings of the Sufi masters are held in high regard practicing Sufism is discouraged or even criminalized.


Be United Or Go Away

United we stand ; divided we fall ....So Be United As One...! or you can go away found your own way.

We (people) have learned to fly in the air like birds (plane , baloon , etc) and swim the sea like fish (snorkling), but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.

Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking , We will never be united as long as there are other people where remain in disagreement and strike down each other. Even The unity of freedom has never relied on uniformity of opinion , at least we must appreciate and respect the understanding of other people without having to cause debate and disagreement.

The reason why the world lacks unity, and lies broken and in heaps, is because man is disunited with himself. Unity can only be manifested by the Binary . Unity itself and the idea of Cooperation thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there so we must have the same idea and purpose.

The nice thing about be united as a teamwork is that you always have others on your side. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

So please if you do not have the same vision and mission to work together and to help others please leave this page , I am tired looking for people which can only disturb without participating.

go away and found your own way , Men's hearts ought not to be set against one another, but set with one another, and all against evil only.

"To us Our deeds, and to You Your deeds. peace be to you. we seek not the ignorant." 28 :55


Islam And Sufism

Some mainstream scholars of Islam define sufism as simply the name for the inner or esoteric dimension of Islam , The name Sufi comes from “suf,” the Arabic word for wool or “saf,” the Persian word for pure. The dervishes or advanced students of Sufism wore inexpensive wool clothes as part of their life of renunciation. 

Sufism has come to mean a wide range of beliefs that center on the quest for personal enlightenment in the union with God. Sufis are sometimes described as the mystics of Islam, but Sufism fits awkwardly in the categories of religions. Technically Sufism is a denomination of Islam, however there are many Sufis that are not Muslims and there are many Muslims that are reluctant to consider Sufism part of Islam.

Sufism or Taṣawwuf (Arabic: تصوّف‎) is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam. A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ṣūfī (صُوفِيّ). Another name for a Sufi is Dervish. "a science whose objective is the reparation of the heart and turning it away from all else but God. a science through which one can know how to travel into the presence of the Divine, purify one's inner self from filth, and beautify it with a variety of praiseworthy traits." 

Some mainstream scholars of Islam define sufism as simply the name for the inner or esoteric dimension of Islam. contended that Sufism was the esoteric aspect of Islam supported and complemented by exoteric practices and Islamic law. However,  the Sufi philosophy is universal in nature, its roots predating the rise of Islam and the other modern-day religions, save for perhaps Buddhism and Jainism; likewise, some Muslims consider Sufism outside the sphere of Islam

One of the few concepts that Sufis seem to agree on is that all religions offer a path to salvation or enlightenment and that true God realization, no matter how it is achieved, transcends the limitations and classification of any religion.

Basically, a saint in any religion is equal to a saint in any other religion because they are inspired by the same Divine source. Initially the term Sufi referred only to those who had achieved God realization, but it has since come to be applied to anyone who follows that particular spiritual path.


Sufism In Islam Is Not A Mysticism

Why is this now increasingly popular Sufism people? Modern man is actually a human who experienced alienation (alienation) of the soul. Competition in the scramble thing was tiring of mind. Tensions often experienced in life. In modern life, people are often trapped by false happiness-happiness. That is, happiness is engineered, not the happiness that grows from within man himself.

In modern life people promised with status, position, certificates, brand, and various symbols. Finally, the human mind attached to these masks. If it was trapped by the mask of life, people feel proud of themselves and flattered. That in certain circumstances lead to forget himself. Well, to confront these problems, psychological problems exist that run to various kinds of entertainment from the mild to the most severe of "drugs" and some are looking for a peaceful solution with the following religious activities. Apparently, the perceived direct contact with the coolness of the heart is "Sufism".

That is why Sufism today attracted many people, both by Muslims themselves, and those non-Muslims. Even in Europe and America today many non-Muslims who are members of the congregation of Sufism.

Of course this can cause jealousy among Muslims formalist, that Muslims are more outward adherence to the rule of religious or Shari'a. Facing the rapid development of this formalism was losing prestige. Therefore, some people (not many) among this formalism to write a book criticizing the teachings of Sufism, and some even bear to malign that Sufism is misleading people.
People who blame and condemn heretical Sufism are the ones who do not understand the teachings of Sufism, in essence they do not understand the teachings of Islam as a whole. They consider Sufism was born from the outside of Islam. To prove this they are looking for the definition of the word Sufism, which he says does not exist in the Al-Quran and Al Hadith. So, they are more preoccupied looking skin than searching the contents or substance of the teachings.

If only they realized that what was taught by mysticism manners or morals taught by the Apostle of Allah, then they will definitely stop criticizing the Sufis. Because what is practiced by the Apostles in the simplicity of his life, what is exemplified by Abu Bakr in the donated property, the example of Umar in the palace of his hut, and what was done by Ali ibn Talib in upholding justice, that is what is called Sufism , but some people who didn't know about this called it is a mysticism! and they were wrong absolutely wrong.


Sayyidul Istighfar Muslim Prayers

اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّى لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَ أَنْتَ ، خَلَقْتَنِى وَ أنَا عَبْدُكَ وَ أنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ
وَوَعْدِك ما اسْتَطَعْتُ ، أعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِ مَا صَنَعْت ، أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَىَّ وَ أبُوءُ بِذَنْبى فَاغْفِرْ لِى فإِنَّهُ لاَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ 

O Allah! You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You


Rosulullah Muhammad SAW

Muhammad , sometimes called Muhammad ibn Abdullah, was the founder of the religion of Islam, and is considered by Muslims to be a messenger and prophet of God, the last law-bearer in a series of Islamic prophets, and, by most Muslims, the last prophet of God as taught by the Quran. Muslims thus consider him the restorer of an uncorrupted original monotheistic faith (islām) of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other prophets.He was also active as a social reformer, diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, military leader, humanitarian and philanthropist.

Rosulullah Muhammad was the only person who managed to achieve tremendous success both in terms of spiritual and social. worth noting that Muhammad Rosulllah able to manage a nation that initially selfish, barbaric, backward and divided by tribal sentiments, become a developed nation in the economic, cultural and military, and even able to defeat the Roman army which was then the world's leading military power in the battle.

To Be Continued......


Al Ahzab (The Clans, The Coalition, The Combined Forces)

Surat Al Ahzab consists of 73 verses, one of those letters Madaniyah, revealed after the letter Ali'Imran. Named Al Ahzab which means that allied factions because in this letter are some verses, ie verses 9 through paragraph 27, which relate to the battle of Al Ahzab, the war being waged by the Jews, the hypocrites and the polytheists against believers in Medina. They have surrounded the meeting of the believers so that they have a party of despair and think that they would be destroyed by their enemies. This is a severe test from Allah to test the extent to which their faith firmly. Finally, God sent help in the form of an invisible army and typhoons, so that the enemies become chaotic and escape.

Principles of contents:

1. faith:
God alone suffices as a Protector; taqdir God can not be rejected; Prophet Muhammad is a good example and role model; Prophet Muhammad are the apostles and prophets of the latter; only God knows when the Hour.

2. The laws:
Zhihar law; position adopted child; basis of inheritance in Islam is inherited nasab relationship (consanguinity), no waiting period for women who divorced before mixed; specific laws concerning marriage and the obligations of the Prophet's wives; ban offends the Prophet.

3. The stories:
Ahzab War (Trench); story of Zainab bint Jahsh with Zaid; combat Quraizhah Bani.

4. And others:
Regret the unbelievers in the afterlife because they deny God and His Messenger properties of hypocrites.


Shalat Dzuhur

Shalat dzuhur merupakan salah satu dari shalat wajib 5 waktu yang terdiri dari 4 rakaat dikerjakan pada tengah hari. Waktu shalat Dzuhur merupakan saat puncak dalam beraktivitas, sesudah bekerja atau beraktifitas selama beberapa jam, otak butuh istirahat dalam berfikir, pun demikian dengan tenaga. 

Istirahat ini dibutuhkan untuk memulihkan tenaga sambil sedikit meluruskan orientasi manusia yang cenderung kepada semangat duniawi untuk diseimbangkan dengan tujuan utamanya agar memperoleh kebahagiaan duniawi dan ukhrawi, karena sesunggunya kita hidup ini untuk kemaslahatan keduanya.

kita tidak lagi menggebu-gebu dan ngotot untuk mewujudkan pemenuhan kebutuhan duniawi. kita akan jauh merasa lebih santai, tenang dan bahagia. Sel-sel tubuh akan berada dalam kondisi metabolism minimal. Saat itulah pikiran menjadi jernih dan bebas prasangka-prasangka , terbebas pengaruh hormon-hormon agresif atau ketakutan. Intuisi dan ide-ide brilian akan muncul kepermukaan dan proses relaksasi yang optimal, baik fisik maupun psikologis, akan benar-benar terasa.

Setelah shalat Dzuhur dilaksanakan, kesegaran otak, tubuh dan hati terbentuk dan  tersusun dengan kuat untuk menghadapi setiap celah pekerjaan, tantangan dan segala rencana penting yang tertunda sementara. Jadi, shalat Dzuhur merupakan titik terpenting dalam setiap istirahat yang kita lakukan di siang hari.

Oleh Karena Itu Yuk Shalat Dzuhur.....


Get Closer To God

All religions attempt to explain creation, life, and death. These explanations, however diverse, and pointed to God than get in touch with your soul. Connect with the Supreme Being with a clear mind and a pure conscience. God inspires us in many ways. To get closer to Him, we use vehicles such as prayer , shaum, dzikr, etc. Find your inspiration to lead a spiritual life with lessons of God in your heart.

God doesn't look at how much we have goodness, but with how much we do it.
The great awareness comes slowly, piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one.

There is no need for temples or mosque; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain and soul, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. To us also, through every star, through every blade of grass, is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes.

God doesn't look at how much we have goodness, but with how much we do it. Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.


Some things cannot be spoken

Some things cannot be spoken or discovered until we have been stuck, incapacitated, or blown for awhile. I then believe in the concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws.

In essence, this religion consists of a humble admiration for this illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds.

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first for some unfinished job and business. Then life would begin At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

Remember, always give your best. Never get discouraged. Never be petty. Always remember, others may hate you and some will be. But those who hate you don't win unless you hate them and then you destroy yourself.


If God Is For All

To give pleasure to a single heart by a single kind act is better than a thousand head-bowings in prayer, Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.

Islam has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology ; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.

Through me the way into the suffering city, Through me the way to the eternal pain,

Through me the way that runs among the lost, Justice urged on my high artificer; My maker was divine authority, The highest wisdom, and the primal love. Before me nothing but eternal things were made, And I endure eternally, Abandon every hope, ye who enter here.


Shake Off All Blind Faith

There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.

Shake off all fears of servile prejudices, Question with boldness even the existence of a God, because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blind faith.

But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.


Surah Al A'laa

This is a beautiful recitation of Surah Al Ala (The Most High) This chapter (surah) revealed in Mecca and it contains 19 verses.

Surah Al Ala was said to be one the favorite surahs of Muhammad. This surah includes the basic Islamic concept of life and existence, the unity of Allah (God), reality of divine revelation and mentions the reward and punishment in the Hereafter. Humans often hide things from each other and from themselves as well. The surah reminds us that Allah (God) knows things that are declared and things that lie hidden. The final verse of this surah affirms that the message of this surah was also revealed to Abraham and Moses in their scriptures.

English translation: (1) Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High, (2) Who created and proportioned (3) And who destined and [then] guided (4) And who brings out the pasture (5) And [then] makes it black stubble. (6) We will make you recite, [O Muhammad], and you will not forget, (7) Except what Allah should will. Indeed, He knows what is declared and what is hidden. (8) And We will ease you toward ease (9) So remind, if the reminder should benefit; (10) He who fears [Allah] will be reminded. (11) But the wretched one will avoid it (12) [He] who will [enter and] burn in the greatest Fire, (13) Neither dying therein nor living. (14) He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself (15) And mentions the name of his Lord and prays. (16) But you prefer the worldly life, (17) While the Hereafter is better and more enduring. (18) Indeed, this is in the former scriptures, (19) The scriptures of Abraham and Moses.


If We Can And Want To Understand

Life is full of mystery and indeed the way it is
many unexpected events suddenly revealed
even just a blink of an eye
it is life, and we must be prepared with a lot of surprise in it.

Life is full of mystery
many events suddenly unfolds before the eyes
This is life, we do not know what will happen tomorrow
or even a few seconds longer

If we can understand
Life of the world's only temporary
Full of games and jokes ,
deception , tests and trials

Follow the instructions
who had delivered His Messenger

Instructions for humans
That is Al-Quran and Sunnah

Why do stars shine, why the water flows, why the world go round
Only unto Whom all affairs are returned


Life Is Full Of Mystery

"Life Full of Mystery, If We Can and wanted to Understand about this Life is actually full of mystery. Only God, Who Know All the secrets about this life"

Life is full of mystery
Sometimes we feel happy
Sometimes we feel sad and slumped
Sometimes we feel lonely and quiet life

Sometimes we feel bored and tired
But that was her name lives
We must have the patience to get through it
Life is like a long dream

Life without dreams would feel empty
Life without hope can not be meaningful
Life without purpose is like dead
Life without patience will be dropped

Live the life with full confidence
That one day the dreams will come true
Continue to try and pray to Him
So that all dreams can be achieved

my dear diary, life is full of mystery
like today. it seems too many unexpected events suddenly unfolds before the eyes

If We Can And Want To Understand Life is full of mystery,
many unexpected events suddenly revealed
even just a blink of an eye
it is life, and we must be prepared with a lot of surprise in it.
This is life, we do not know what will happen tomorrow
or even a few seconds longer
Only unto Whom all affairs are returned


An Nahl ( Bee )

“ To Him belongs whatever is In the heavens and on earth, and to Him is duty due always: then will ye fear other than Allah and ye have no good thing but is from Allah. and Moreover, when ye are touched by distress, unto Him ye cry with groans”
An Nahl ( Bee ) : 52 - 53

Al Quran contains the essence of the books that have been revealed to the prophets of old coupled with the teachings of which are needed by all nations of all time to achieve the happiness of the world and the hereafter. This letter also called "An Ni'am" means favors, because in it God refers to various kinds of favors to his servants.

An Nahl containing information about the properties of idolaters, and their behavior, as well as their challenges to the truth of the Day of Judgement and the apostolate of Muhammad, and Allah swt mentions his warnings to them and the punishment they experienced as a result of the nature of what they did. In this letter, God showed the evidence to the Oneness of His favors as he explained that He gives His servants.


All Praise Be To Allah

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

"Accept something you do not like, if something is favored of God, And hate something you like, if something is hated by God"

Heavy rain had soaked the earth.
Stagnant water began to fill the end of the road
swiftly, shaking showers
to the weak figures in this hemisphere

Suddenly I saw my own face mirror
On top of indifference to the lives of others.
Harsh cold and haughty indifference.
Ah, who cares? Yeah, who cares?

I turned and looked back at the dimly lit space in my bedroom
Cool, this light is safe and has passed all
And I smiled as he recounted the past
But too bad, that my actions still ago.

New skin but the content is still the old, old and outdated.
Seusang our world is increasingly hobbled follow all the ambitions and passions.
However, although aware that sometimes words just appear in the skin of the face,
I still follow the traditions of men for all the things that's just false.

May we all be able to change our lives begin to ripen it.


The Strength And Weakness Of Trust

Faith is the weakest when there is doubt over confidence, while a strong faith is when we learn to trust even in doubt. Learning to trust can make a strong connection, while relying on such doubts is the destroyer in almost every relationship. Trust is something that is not discussed and practiced again and is believed by most people until the problems associated with trust issues usually start to appear.

In fact, the trust should be discussed by getting in touch with other people before problems arise, and the limits set to be built so that not only the relationships that have a clear knowledge of what problems can arise from crossing the boundaries established, but how to avoid problems this from arising together.

The most important thing is that the participants relations of mutual benefit of the doubt when the issue of trust arise unless there is irrefutable evidence of infidelity. Otherwise, if there will be distrust of each other in a relationship, the best option may be taken then is to end a relationship that will inevitably deteriorate because of doubts surrounding.

In order to get a life and living in the trust we must make the choice to stop making excuses, to stop worrying about the resources that we do not have, stop worrying about things that can hold back the trust relationships that exist therein, including deficiencies in order to begin the journey what we want. Not everything will always be in the order we want before we go for our dreams, and the sooner we start the sooner we'll get to the goal or dream that we believe.

Committed to living instead of "getting ready to live" is an important value in life that we all have to develop themselves to be successful. Not everything is always perfect, and life will always provide a challenge to you that you must overcome in order to feel as if you are successful.

What are you waiting for get started ? Start your journey now ?


See The Mistake And Fix Them

When you really fall in love with someone who does not expect too much, but love that you give them and when we care about someone it is best not to criticize them for their mistakes, but to help make their weaknesses into their strengths, helping to change their biggest mistake in their biggest victory receive and accept mistakes and help them cope, to accept the fact that at some point we all must make mistakes because we are human, and we can no longer be avoided we will always make mistakes.

True strength is when you can see the mistakes you make in life and say to yourself that you will continue to see this situation when necessary, to avoid duplication and make the same mistakes again.Strength does not come from one's physical capacity, but the power comes faith and something in it. A person who is persistent is the person who will not let a damaged stop them to continue forward with life on the road to success.


The Du'a In Islam ( Sayyidul Istighfar Muslim Prayers )

اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ رَبِّى لاَ إِلهَ إِلاَ أَنْتَ ، خَلَقْتَنِى وَ أنَا عَبْدُكَ وَ أنَا عَلَى عَهْدِكَ
وَوَعْدِك ما اسْتَطَعْتُ ، أعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِ مَا صَنَعْت ، أَبُوءُ لَكَ بِنِعْمَتِكَ عَلَىَّ وَ أبُوءُ بِذَنْبى فَاغْفِرْ لِى فإِنَّهُ لاَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ

" Allahumma anta rabbi laa ilaha illa anta kholaqtani  wa ana ‘abduka wa ana ‘ala ‘ahdika wa wa’dika mastatho’tu a’udzubika min syarri ma shona’tu abu-u laka bini’matika ‘alaiyya wa abu-u bidzanbi faghfirli fa innahu laa yaghfirudz-dzunuuba illa anta "

( O Allah! You are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but You. You created me and I am Your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You ) 

Ya Allah, Engkau adalah Rabb ku. Tiada ilah selain Engkau. Engkau telah menciptakan aku, dan aku adalah hambaMu dan aku selalu berusaha menepati ikrar dan janjiku kepadaMu dengan segenap kekuatan yang aku miliki. Aku berlindung kepadaMu dari keburukan perbuatanku. Aku mengakui betapa besar nikmat-nikmatMu yang tercurah kepadaku; dan aku tahu dan sadar betapa banyak dosa yang telah aku lakukan. Karenanya, ampunilah aku. Tidak ada yang dapat mengampuni dosa selain Engkau.


In my hope !

Let the time just keep spinning , Love you a full sense of patience ;
Although this hurt leave you behind , My sincere to survive.
Leaving me without feeling , Until my tears drop ;
My disappointment was not trending , Allow me to survive.
Do you ever try to change , Relax not beautiful it is gone ;
Do you ever try to change , Relax not beautiful it is gone !

Seconds time keeps running , Fancy dark and light ;
Joy and sorrow, tears and laughter , Marked as painting.
A thousand millions of lonely dreams , Present like a true friend ,
Among the tired soul , In restless and tears ;
I dedicate to you , The most beautiful of my life.
Although fragile in my step , And unfaithful to you;
But love in the soul is with you
Forgive when the liver , Not perfect love ;
In my hope


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